Pre-Transaction Planning
Harnessing the benefits of a Business Sale
Monograph’s pre-transaction planning process helps business owners optimize business sale proceeds to positively impact their family, their heirs, and their philanthropic pursuits.
Family wealth flows to four potential places:
It is spent
It transfers to heirs
It transfers to charity
Or, without effective planning, it transfers to the government
Many business owners fail to consider planning opportunities and give up substantial, multigenerational economics on the sale of their company.
Monograph guides families selling companies ranging from $20mm to over $500mm in value.
We are wealth planners who deploy sophisticated tax, gift, estate, and charitable strategies for business owners.
In addition to money, Monograph also saves business owners time so they can focus on business growth, maximizing and closing an eventual transaction.

We walk with the entrepreneur during every step of the business transaction process. Our process addresses the following areas:
Pre-sale planning and financial context
Identification of tradeoffs between “needs” from the sale and retention opportunities
Communications management
Wealth transfer strategies
Professional service team organization, oversight, and coordination
Risk management
Business Transaction Program:
Monograph’s program combines unique technology and highly experienced guidance.
We also add asset management to our transaction planning services with sufficient proceeds.